
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Big Emotions Part 4 (Anger)
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
Wednesday Oct 14, 2020
In part 4 of our new miniseries on "big emotions", we're talking about anger! You may have noticed that there is a lot of that going around right now, but have we stopped to think about it or are we too quick to suppress it in the name of a cheap peace? Is there a place for uncontrollable anger? Can anger help us identify what is really happening within? What of the prophetic anger in scripture? Let's talk about it!
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis

Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Elevating the Discourse with John Van Sloten (Pastor/Author)
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
Wednesday Oct 07, 2020
In part 3 of our Sinai and Synapses interview series, we are talking with Rev John Van Sloten. He is a pastor and author currently based in Calgary. His life's work revolves around seeing God in all things and the cultivation of a kind of mystical wonder that, honestly, we could all use right now.
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis

Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Big Emotions Part 3 (Shame)
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Wednesday Sep 30, 2020
Episode 57
In part 3 of our new miniseries on "big emotions", we're talking about shame! What is the difference between shame and guilt? Why are we so afraid of our bodies? Can shame be helpful? Let's talk about it!
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis

Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Elevating the Discourse with Mark Bloom (Science Professor)
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Wednesday Sep 23, 2020
Episode 56
In part 2 of our new Sinai and Synapses interview series, we are talking with a familiar guest. It's friend of the show, Dr Mark Bloom! He is a Professor of biology and science education at Dallas Baptist University where he focuses on teaching science to non-science majors. His research focuses on the perceived conflicts and creative collaboration between science and religion. He cares deeply about helping people to overcome ignorance so that we can learn to love our neighbors.
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis

Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Big Emotions Part 2 (Disgust)
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Wednesday Sep 16, 2020
Episode 55
(CW: homophobia and transphobia, discussion around disgust as a response to LGBTQ+ people)
In part 2 of our new miniseries on "big emotions", we're talking about disgust! Why do we feel repelled by certain foods, smells, activities, people, or ideas? Is there a societal advantage to it, or is it an ancient biological reflex that we need to overcome? What role does religion play in regulating disgust and can it help us to overcome disgust reflexes that are counter to our moral beliefs?
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis

Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Elevating the Discourse with Briana Pobiner (paleoanthropologist)
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Wednesday Sep 09, 2020
Episode 54
In part 1 of our new Sinai and Synapses interview series, we are talking with a familiar guest, Dr Briana Pobiner. She is a paleoanthropologist with the Smithsonian Institute where she leads the Human Origins Program’s education and outreach efforts. You may remember her from episode 20 when we started our series on human origins. In this interview, we talk about what it means to be human, how to navigate our place in the world, the wonderfully messy world of science, and how we can find hope for today from the ancient bones of our ancestors.
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis

Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Big Emotions Part 1 (Awe and Asparagus Urine)
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Wednesday Sep 02, 2020
Episode 53
In part 1 of our new miniseries on "big emotions", we explore the one of the biggest emotions of all, awe. What makes something awe-inspiring? What does awe do to the brain? To the soul? To the spirit? Can we use awe to change hearts and transform painful history or are we just fooling ourselves?
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis

Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
One Year Pod-iversary Live Q&A Episode
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Wednesday Aug 26, 2020
Episode 52
To celebrate our one year "pod-iversary", we hosted our first ever live streamed episode with questions from our Patrons and listeners. It was so much fun, and you can watch the whole episode on YouTube if you want to see the video.
Thank you to all of our fans who have supported us this year. We have SO MUCH more planned for year #2!
Support this podcast on Patreon at https://www.patreon.com/DowntheWormholepodcast
More information at https://www.downthewormhole.com/
produced by Zack Jacksonmusic by Zack Jackson and Barton Willis